Encouraging Prayer

No matter the time or circumstance, we can remind each other, “God loves you and will make you stronger!” For example: In chains, a prisoner for the sake of Christ, Paul wrote a letter of encouragement and correction to the “saints in Christ of Colossae, who are faithful brothers and sisters” (1:2). At the heart … Read more

A Blessing for the Church

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Grace to you and peace from God, who has called you into being and called you by name. May you be ever aware of His great love for you. Jesus calls his disciples to bless others—and not just our friends, family, and other disciples. Jesus calls us to bless … Read more

Praying for Wisdom on the Way

I was heading home on a road I’d driven hundreds of times. The squall came on suddenly and its snow started piling up immediately and quickly. At first, I could see the edges of the road, the dark forms of the trees, and traces of the double-yellow line. But after just a couple of minutes, … Read more

One Prayer for the Church

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, At our members meeting last May, we agreed to use a church health process offered by the General Conference. The process is called PULSE and the goal is to help participating churches become healthier—being what God has called us to be and doing what God has called us to … Read more

As the summer winds down

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, The summer is not yet over, but the crush of summer activity is winding down. The last few months have been full: we’ve participated in three camps, two community picnics (with the final one days away), five days of Come on Over art classes, Vacation Bible School, the Appalachian … Read more

Pressing On

We made the news this week! The Morrisons Cove Herald usually runs a summary of newsworthy events looking back across history—events that happened 10, 25, 50, 75, 100, and 125 years ago. In the May 23, 2024 edition of the paper, we got a mention in that section. On May 26, 1899, the Morrisons Cove … Read more

The Hornet and God’s Pace

Lesson From A Wood Pile A pile of firewood sat at the camp for years. Too far from the campfire circle to be convenient for campers, the wood was left to rot. Soon, all it could do was provide food for moss and mushrooms, and shelter for rodents, snakes, and bugs. The pile was a … Read more

His Word Brings Life

Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Grace to you and peace in these days of opportunity. I think of you often and lift you up before God asking that He will grant you all those things He has promised. And I am confident that He will do so. God Himself has said, “For as the … Read more